An upcoming Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention webinar examines how to communicate with patients when things go wrong.

Presented by the ADA’s Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention, the OSAP webinar shares best practices for communicating with patients who have been involved in a “near-miss” or adverse incident.

Speakers include healthcare executive Julie Morath, RN, MS, CPPS, and University of Washington Department of Medicine professor Thomas Gallagher, MD.

These experts will describe how these skills reinforce the critical behaviors needed to support patients and driver learning in dentistry.

By the conclusion of this webinar, attendees will be able to identify 3 steps they can take to enhance a culture of patient safety in their practice.

The webinar will explain 3 reasons why transparency is essential to a safety culture. It will also describe the critical communication skills required to respond effectively to patients harmed by their dental care. 

The webinar will be offered at two times, January 19, at 12 PM CT, and February 1, at 6:30 PM CT.

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