Lester A. Dine Inc, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla, a manufacturer of dental photography products, introduces a dental camera lens and flash for its Canon 12.3 mp 40d digital SLR camera.
Canon 40d may be used for dental or personal photography. It features a ring flash for intraoral photography, including an adjustable point flash for facial photography and anterior and lateral picture taking. The camera’s Macro Ring and Point Flash, designed for dental photography, features through-the-lens technology, which provides consistent illumination.
The kit includes a 105-mm macro lens with a dental standardization guide, which provides graphical indication of the ideal lens setting for dental photography, as well as recommended f-stops. The kit includes lifetime telephone support and instructions, including an intraoral mirror, cheek retractors, a dental contrastor, a 1-GB memory card, a memory-card reader, a battery, and a charger.
For more information, visit www.dinecorp.com.
[Lester A. Dine Inc, January 15, 2008]