The Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) will hold its 2007 Infection Prevention Symposium, “Racing Toward a Safer Future,” from May 31 to June 3 at the Charlotte Westin Hotel in Charlotte, NC.
Leading experts on infection control and occupational health and safety will share information of critical concern to dental professionals. Twenty-two hours of continuing education credit is available.
The symposium will give attendees the opportunity to learn about dental and infection-control trends, find out how to set up infection-control programs at their own facilities, and understand how to increase compliance. Internationally known experts will discuss the latest developments in key dental infection prevention and safety issues worldwide, infectious diseases and their impact on systemic health, training tools and techniques, and current developments such as salivary diagnostics.
For more information, visit www.osap.org.
[OSAP, February 1, 2007]