Discus Dental LLC, Culver City, Calif, has changed the packaging of its take-home whitening products (NiteWhite® ACP and DayWhite® ACP) to sustainable, recyclable materials and eco-friendly inks. According to the company, the transition is part of a larger corporate initiative to reduce the company’s carbon footprint wherever possible.
All paper items in NiteWhite and DayWhite kits are now Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Mixed Source-certified. Plastics used in the kit are made from postindustrial waste materials, and all components are now recyclable. The packaging inks are vegetable- and soy-based, while the aqueous coatings are water-soluble.
"All of the kit components—including the plastic tray cases, syringes, and the box carton—are designed to reduce waste in our landfills and our overall carbon footprint,” said Jennifer McNally, vice president of Global Marketing at Discus Dental. “Dentists can feel good about improving people’s smiles and about being environmentally responsible at the same time.”