Clinipix introduces its PENTAX K200D camera, a 10.2 MP Digital SLR with a 2.7-inch LCD. The camera is powered by four AA batteries, uses SD cards, and yields highly color-accurate results. It can also be used as a full-function camera for recreational use. The Sigma 105-mm macro lens (f:2.8-32) has dental settings and can be used either in the suggested manual mode or autofocus. The “TTL” Dual Flash provides proper dental lighting: the ring-light captures shadow-free intraorals, while the point-light works best for facial views.

Each kit comes with a hard case, a 512GB memory card, a USB Reader, a mirror, retractors, imaging/printing software, and a NiMH recharger kit. Every system is thoroughly tested before shipping and comes with detailed dental instructions. Clinipix offers lifetime toll-free telephone support.

For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call (866) 254-6749.