Dentaurum USA
Dentaurum USA, Newtown, Pa, offers the SUS2, which is a chairside Class II Corrector with no exposed spring for increased patient comfort and better hygiene. The internal spring force and telescoping tube length can be adjusted at the chair. The SUS2 can be used for bite jumping, molar distalization, space closure, dentoalveolar compensation, or TMJ therapy. According to the company, this telescoping appliance applies gentle forces that allow greater freedom of the mandible with improved patient comfort and acceptance.
Dentaurum USA
(800) 523-3946
Ormco Corp
Ormco Corp, Orange, Calif, introduces the AdvanSync™ Class II Molar-to-Molar appliance, which allows you to combine two distinct treatment phases by achieving skeletal and dental corrections simultaneously. An evolution in Herbst® Class II therapy, the AdvanSync is designed to advance the mandible to a Class I occlusion within 6 to 9 months—while the patient has been bonded with fixed appliances from bicuspid to bicuspid. The AdvanSync allows freedom of mechanics mesial to the molar crowns, provides constant activation, and eliminates the need for patient compliance. Half the size of traditional Herbsts, the AdvanSync provides patient comfort and range of movement.
Ormco Corp
(800) 854-1741
Comfort Solutions
Comfort Solutions, Langley, British Columbia, Canada, introduces soft caps that are designed from mouthguard material. They can be used with the Crossbowâ„¢ appliance, the Forsusâ„¢ EZ Module (Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device from 3M Unitek), Herbst screws, ceramic or metal brackets, the HTH appliance, the TP Flip Lock appliance, the MARA appliance, and transpalatal arches. The protective coverings are designed to bring instant relief and quick healing to intraoral ulcers caused by impinging appliances. They also provide comfort to patients who play musical instruments and provide protection to incisal edges that occlude against ceramic brackets. Comfort Solutions also offers a comfort cap designed specifically for orthodontic miniscrews. The caps are sized to fit the LOMAS miniscrew that is available from Mondeal and Raintree Essix, and are compatible with other similarly shaped miniscrew head designs.
Comfort Solutions
(604) 532-2078
3M Unitek
3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif, offers Forsusâ„¢ Class II Correctors. Unlike many Class II devices, they are an out-of-the-box solution that requires no lab time. According to the company installation is simple and takes minutes. Forsus Correctors are designed to work with the existing braces and wires already in place. Treatment is achieved through the consistent application of gentle forces without patient compliance, resulting in efficient treatment times. They are fatigue-resistant to minimize breakage, as well as patient-friendly, comfortable, and easy to keep clean, with no external facebows or appliances to wear.
3M Unitek
(800) 423-4588
American Orthodontics Corp
American Orthodontics Corp, Sheboygan, Wis, offers the Hanks Telescoping Herbstâ„¢, which features a unique ball-and-socket design that allows full excursion of the mandible while decreasing breakage and increasing patience acceptance. Because the HTH is a true one-piece design, installing the appliance is easy and efficient, with no extra pieces to fumble with or to fall into the patient’s mouth. Simply load the HTH on the wrench and attach it directly to the molar nut. While the HTH is available in five sizes, the 16-mm and 18-mm sizes allow full bicuspid-to-bicuspid bonding, simultaneously correcting malocclusions while advancing the mandible. Often, this eliminates the need for two-phase treatment.
American Orthodontics Corp
(920) 457-5051
Great Lakes Orthodontics
Great Lakes Orthodontics Ltd, Tonawanda, NY, offers the Xbow™ Higgins Crossbow Class II Corrector appliance, an alternative to the Herbst® appliance for treatment of Class II malocclusions in children and adolescents. Designed to distalize maxillary posterior segments, the Phase I appliance allows simultaneous anteroposterior and transverse correction.
The Xbow pits the mandibular arch against the maxillary bicuspids and molars, which opens space for the erupting canines. Used in conjunction with the Forsusâ„¢ Fatigue Resistant Device from 3M Unitek, the Xbow allows overcorrection of the molars into a Class III relationship.
The complete Xbow Higgins Crossbow consists of the following: a maxillary expansion appliance, Triple L Archâ„¢ (lower labial lingual arch), Forsusâ„¢ Fatigue Resistant Device (25-mm direct push rod), and Gurin locks that are designed to allow easy activation.
Great Lakes Orthodontics Ltd
(800) 828-7626
Ortho-Tain Inc
Ortho-Tain Inc, Winnetka, Ill, offers the Nite-Guide® preventive functional appliance used for the early treatment of the 5- to 7-year-old child. It is designed to prevent malocclusions from developing, such as overbite, overjet, crowding, rotations, spacing, cross-bites, abnormal molar relations, pseudo-Class III relations, most TMJ problems, gummy smiles, and some open-bites. The Nite-Guide is worn passively while sleeping to guide permanent incisors into their ideal positions, and it prevents them from overerupting into an excessive overbite while encouraging mandibular growth to correct any excessive overjet. Adult fibers then develop to stabilize the teeth.
(800) 541-6612
OPA Inc, Boca Raton, Fla, offers the OPA, a simple, economical, and effective tool for controlling vertical and anterio-posterior facial and dental change and preventing the development of excessive lower facial height and vertical maxillary excess. The device is prefabricated in four sizes—no impressions are needed—and it can be used prior to or with fixed appliances.
(561) 901-0022
Specialty Appliances
Specialty Appliances, Cumming, Ga, offers the MiniScopeâ„¢ Herbst Mechanism, which does not disengage in the mouth and offers 40° of lateral movement. When used with the AppleCore® Screw, it reduces tissue irritation. The mechanism is available in a range of sizes to accommodate various maximum incisal openings (MIO). Understanding the MIO’s effect on the appliance is key to reducing loose bands/crowns and breakage. Barrel lengths of 13 to 24 mm (16 to 27 mm measured eyelet to eyelet) are selected to properly match the patient’s MIO measurement.
Specialty Appliances
(800) 522-4636
Aqualizer by Jumar
Aqualizer by Jumar, Prescott, Ariz, offers The Aqualizer®, which is a premade, temporary self-adjusting, TMJ/occlusion splint used for fast pain relief of acute TMJ/PDS symptoms, muscle “de-accommodation,” differential diagnosis, and bite registration. Posterior interocclusal forces are equalized and are axially oriented. The overall effect is to eliminate compensatory contraction or adjustment of the masticatory muscles, thereby enabling those muscles to function in a less strained manner and to establish a more physiological or undistorted skull-mandible relationship.
The compensatory redistribution of fluid within the Aqualizer frees the muscles from displacing intercuspal guidance and an accommodated pattern of activity. The muscles then begin to “de-accommodate” and move the mandible progressively toward, and ultimately to, its most physiologic (minimally accommodated) cranio-mandibular relationship, allowing centric occlusion to correlate to this “ideal” placement. This progressive muscle-guided mandibular placement sequence is in sharp contrast to single-stage clinician-directed, mandibular-placement procedures.
Aqualizer by Jumar
(800) 435-7863
Space Maintainers Laboratory
Space Maintainers Laboratory offers the Twin Block, a removable functional appliance consisting of two bite blocks (twin blocks), upper and lower, that are designed to interlock at 70° in such a manner that the mandible is held in a more protrusive position. Over time, the repositioning of the mandible forward eliminates the overjet and, when acrylic is removed from the upper block, eruption of the lower first molars occurs, eliminating the overbite. According to the company, when treatment with the Twin Block is complete, the first molars will be in contact and the maxillary and mandibular incisors will be nicely coupled.
Space Maintainers Laboratory
(800) 423-3270