Ormco Corp
Ormco Corp, Orange, Calif, offers Copper Ni-Ti® Archwires. The addition of copper in Ormco’s patented Copper Ni-Ti wire enhances the thermal-reactive properties of nickel titanium. Copper Ni-Ti’s batch-to-batch consistency with a precise temperature range is designed to ensure true heat activation and predictable results. Unloading (springback) properties facilitate tooth movement, while an unloading profile provides continuous forces, even at small deflections. According to the company, Ormco’s Copper Ni-Ti wires are more resistant to permanent deformation than other Ni-Ti wires and are easy to engage, even in the most severe cases. Copper Ni-Ti wires are available in a variety of archforms, including Tru-Arch®, Orthos®, and Damon® Copper Ni-Ti wires that feature preloaded stops.
Ormco Corp
(800) 854-1741
DynaFlex®, St Louis, introduces Bioƒlex3® thermal nickel titanium archwires. The Bioƒlex3 has three distinct force zones in one archwire, which can help reduce the number of wire changes. The anterior region has the lowest heat-activated force. The force increases through the bicuspid region, maintaining a slightly greater heat-activated force to move larger-rooted bicuspids. The posterior region has the greatest heat-activated force, for moving the strong-rooted molars. Bioƒlex3 is available in ProForm shape and comes in round, rectangular, and square sizes ranging from .016 to .020.
(800) 489-4020
3M Unitek
3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif, introduces Unitekâ„¢ Nitinol Super-Elastic Archwire. The wires maintains light, continuous forces with a range between Nitinol Heat-Activated and Nitinol Classic archwires. It has a long working range, and, according to the company, it is more resistant to permanent deformation than most other archwires. It can be used as a starting archwire in treatment, especially in the 3Mâ„¢ Self-Ligating Appliance System, which requires minimal forces for initial leveling and aligning. Unitek Nitinol Super-Elastic Archwire is available with a dimple feature to reduce “walking wires.” It is available in various forms, sizes, and shapes, including a hybrid.
3M Unitek
(800) 423-4588
Highland Metals
Highland Metals Inc, San Jose, Calif, offers Lingual Arches, which are available in stainless steel, superelastic NiTi, heat-activated NiTi, and BetaBlueâ„¢ wire alloys in a variety of sizes. The arches are sold in packs of 10. The Stainless Steel Lingual Arches are offered in universal archform, which gives orthodontists the freedom to create their own offsets.
Highland Metals Inc
(800) 368-6484
Modern Arch
Modern Arch, Wyomissing, Pa, offers its Bowed NiTi Retraction Arches. According to the company, the bowed arch has the capacity to induce a retractive force to the anterior components of either arch. The upward pressure of the bowed arch in an upper buccal tube induces a force vector distally along the bowed arch, causing the arch to creep backward out of the buccal tube and induce a slight retractive force upon the anterior teeth. This light force is capable of bringing about substantial retraction and bite opening over a period of time.
Modern Arch
(866) 663-2724
Dentaurum USA
Dentaurum USA, Newtown, Pa, announces the release of its new “TRI-FORCE” archwire. This archwire provides three different heat-activated force levels in one archform. The force levels are based on the biology of the patient, and they range from the lowest force levels in the anterior region to the greatest force levels in the posterior region. The wire is designed to allow the use of rectangular wires much earlier in treatment without patient discomfort, and thus the ability to simultaneously level, torque, and rotate teeth.
Dentaurum USA
(800) 523-3946
G&H Wire Co
G&H Wire Co, Franklin, Ind, offers clinically significant improvements to its G4™ Nickel Titanium wire that provide lower initial load forces and increased residual forces as full shape-recovery progresses. As a result, according to the company, teeth can move farther and faster. G4 Nickel Titanium archwires produce consistent forces in every wire—this is tested scientifically and proven clinically—and are available in all archform shapes.
G&H Wire Co
(800) 526-1026
TP Orthodontics
TP Orthodontics, Scottsdale, Ariz, introduces preformed Aesthetic Wire in a new white color designed to make ceramic brackets less noticeable during treatment. The wire features a thin, durable coating on the labial surface, allowing it to maintain its true diameter. Coating the wire on only one side reduces friction and enables the wire to slide freely along all contact points. The wire is available in stainless steel or nickel titanium in a variety of sizes, and it is dispensed in exclusive Convenience-Pak® packaging that encloses each archwire in a see-through, autoclavable envelope.
TP Orthodontics
(800) 348-8856
American Orthodontics
American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, introduces the TriTanium archwire. TriTanium features progressively increasing force from anterior to posterior along the arch, providing biologically compatible forces designed to create greater tooth movement efficiency, longer treatment intervals, and fewer archwire changes. TriTanium is available in the Natural Arch and International Arch forms. All American Orthodontics archwire is available either individually wrapped or bulk packaged in boxes of 10 wires, for your choice of delivery systems.
American Orthodontics
(800) 558-7687
MASEL, Bristol, Pa, Onyx Ultraâ„¢ Archwires are sleek-surfaced, nickel titanium archwires manufactured using an oxidizing process. According to the company, the wires’ sliding friction is reduced 30% compared to traditional nickel titanium archwires. Black oxide is an integral part of the wire, and it does not chip, wear, or peel. The wire exhibits superelastic qualities and provides resiliency. Dimples positioned between the centrals are designed to help with accurate placement during ligation. These wires are offered 10 per pack
(888) 851-0533
Ortho-Byte, Wilmington, Del, offers Tricharger wire. According to the company, Tricharger is the only multimodulus nickel titanium wire that is martensitic in the anterior region and austenitic in the posterior region. Tricharger is designed to meet the tooth-moving demands that each anatomical section of the arch requires. It starts with a gentle 80 to 100 grams of force in the anterior section and transitions to 300 grams of force in the posterior without fading. Tricharger is also the only multimodulus wire that comes in an anatomically correct ovoid shape that is recommended for self-ligating systems.
(302) 798-1234
Gold’n Braces Inc
Gold’n Braces Inc, Palm Harbor, Fla, offers 14-inch straight-length round wires plated in its propriety 24K plate in sizes .026 thru .040. This allows a full range of uses from standard retainers through functional appliances. According to the company, the biocompatibility of this wire has made it the choice for lingual retainers among many practitioners around the world. The .0215 penta (ZMRW) wire has been used extensively for lingual bondable retainers. The durability of this gold-plated wire has been proven over 10 years of successful clinical use.
Gold’n Braces Inc
(800) 785-1970
LeoneAmerica, a division of American Tooth Industries, Avondale, Ariz, introduces Biosteel, a low-nickel (.02%) round spring hard wire purposely manufactured to prevent any allergic reactions. Biosteel comes on a standard spool in the following sizes: .020, .024, .028, .032, .036, .040, .044, .048, .052, and .055. Biosteel is also offered in commercial laboratory sizes of 500 grams in weight. Biosteel is suitable for all orthodontic applications including retainers, springs, and orthodontic auxiliaries.
(800) 242-9986
DENTSPLY GAC International
DENTSPLY GAC International, Bohemia, NY, offers DENTSPLY GAC High Aesthetic Archwires. In a recent survey published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, respondents were asked to rate the attractiveness of braces in three categories from “extremely unattractive” to “extremely attractive” on a scale of 1 to 100. Ceramic appliances rated consistently high, and ceramic brackets with clear or white wires were considered more attractive than ceramic brackets with metal wires. The group’s data also suggest that adults are willing to pay several hundred dollars extra for more attractive appliances for themselves or their children. The incremental cost of these wires is minimal, according to the company, and can likely be added to the overall cost of the treatment without resistance.
DENTSPLY GAC International
(800) 645-5530
Ortho Organizers
Ortho Organizers, Carlsbad, Calif, offers Bio-Kinetixâ„¢ Plusâ„¢ Thermally Activated Nitanium® Archwires, which are designed for use in early- to midstage treatment with moderate to severe crowding. The wires engage at low temperature then react to the heat in a patient’s mouth and exert a light, continuous force as they return to their original shape. The wires are made from a nickel titanium alloy; have a temperature transition range of 18.3°C to 23.9°C; utilize shape memory and superelastic properties to move teeth; are easy to ligate at room temperature; are responsive to chilling before ligation; and are available in Pro Formâ„¢, Oval Arch Form III, and D-LXâ„¢ arch shapes.
Ortho Organizers
(888) 851-0533
Forestadent USA
Forestadent USA, St Louis, offers BioStarter® round .010-inch wire for particularly sensitive patients. This archwire is designed to work in the most adverse conditions, such as in periodontally compromised patients. Due to its special plasma treatment, BioStarter wire features a smooth surface, which, according to the company, reduces friction between archwire and bracket up to 30% and aids in tooth movement. The martensitic properties of this thermo-sensitive archwire provide a low, yet adequate, level of force.
Forestadent USA
(800) 721-4940
RMO Inc, Denver, offers PurePak® Wire, which combines individual wire packaging with a high-quality selection of preformed archwires. PurePak® is available in RMO’s Thermaloy®, Thermaloy®+Plus, Orthonol®, and Bendaloy® product lines, featuring Natural, Ideal, and Expanded archforms. Each archwire is individually packaged and sealed in RMO’s PurePak container. PurePak protects against airborne contaminants and cross-contamination. Tear-away tab enclosures provide easy access to individually sealed wires. PurePak® containers feature color-coded labels for easy identification of your wire inventories.
(800) 525-6044
Ortho Technology Inc
Ortho Technology Inc, Tampa, Fla, offers Universal Formâ„¢ Archwires, which provide archwire sequencing from initial treatment to the finishing phase when used with self-ligating bracket systems. The wide universal arch can be used on upper or lower arches to create a much-desired, broad 10-tooth smile displaying the first and second bicuspids when viewed from the anterior. These archwires feature an etched midline. The Universal Form Archwire provides all the features of Ortho Technology’s TruForceâ„¢, TruFlexâ„¢, and BetaForceâ„¢ archwires with the added benefit of the carefully designed archform.
Ortho Technology Inc
(800) 999-3161
OrthoEssentials, Southampton, Pa, offers Royal Premium Nickel Titanium Archwire, available in round, square, and rectangular versions. This wire is fully austenitic at room temperature and can be used for all phases of treatment. Royal Archwire delivers moderate, consistent forces over a long activation period. It is responsive to chilling. Square and rectangular wires offer the ability to simultaneously level as well as add torque and rotation in the early phase of treatment. Royal Archwires will recover from bends and deformations up to 45°.
(866) 517-3257
ClassOne Orthodontics Inc
ClassOne Orthodontics Inc, Lubbock, Tex, offers Regency® UltraTherm™ Archwires. The wires are made with an an alloy processing technique designed to allow engagement of a large rectangular archwire earlier in treatment, are austenitic at approximately 80°F to 90°F with consistent results, may preclude the use of smaller round or stranded rectangular archwires, are activated at body temperature, and are available in anatomically designed archforms.
ClassOne Orthodontics Inc
(888) 851-0533
Great Lakes Orthodontics Ltd
Great Lakes Orthodontics Ltd, Tonawanda, NY, offers Duraloy chrome-cobalt wire. Duraloy functions as a resilient spring wire without distortion or fatigue and can be soldered without annealing. Duraloy hardens when heated and, according to the company, is twice as break-resistant as stainless steel. Duraloy comes in two tempers. Blue Duraloy is initially the softer of the two, and can be welded with low heat and soldered without embrittling. Yellow Duraloy is initially flexible and slightly harder than Blue. It can be heat-treated if greater resiliency or spring performance is required. Duraloy is non-magnetic through all temperature ranges.
Great Lakes Orthodontics Ltd
(800) 828-7626