The AAO elected officers for 2010-11 and also installed a new member of the Board of Trustees at its 110th Annual Session held last month in Washington, DC.
Lee W. Graber, DDS, MS, MS, PhD (pictured), was elected president of the AAO. He is in private practice in the Chicago suburb of Vernon Hills, Ill. In addition to his years of service on the AAO Board of Trustees, Graber has lectured extensively and is co-editor of the fifth edition of the textbook Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques. Click here to read Orthodontic Products‘ profile of him.
Graber said, “As an association, the AAO will continue to strengthen its relationships with our general dental colleagues as well as those in the other dental specialties. We will work together with a common goal, that patients may enjoy access to quality oral health care delivered by properly educated dental health care professionals.”
Graber added, “The AAO recently began working with an important group outside of dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatrics, to explore how to better serve our shared patients. Regardless of what part of health care we represent, we all seek to provide the highest level of care for our patients."
Other new officers include Michael B. Rogers, DDS, of Augusta, Ga, who was named president-elect. John F. Buzzatto, DMD, MDS, of Allison Park, Pa, was elected secretary-treasurer.
DeWayne B. McCamish, DDS, MS, of Chattanooga, Tenn, was installed as the new Trustee on the AAO Board of Trustees. He succeeds Rogers as the representative of the Southern Association of Orthodontists.