In response to the nation’s financial crisis, Acceptx Financial Solutions Inc, Bountiful, Utah, will host four senior banking and financial experts at a business and financial seminar exclusively for orthodontists. There will be no charge for this seminar, but space is limited and registration is required for this ½-day workshop to be held on Friday, October 31, at the Oakridge Country Club in Farmington, Utah.
Acceptx CEO Brett Blake, a Harvard MBA and the author of, will be joined by Thomas Steele, managing partner of Steele Larson Anderson of Arizona; Tom Van Overbeke, president and CEO of RepublicBankAz; and Steven Hall, former senior VP of Mutual of New York and a well-known investor, board member, and business leader in Utah.
"The economy is having an impact on orthodontist practices around the country, and this seminar could not have come at a better time,” Blake said. “I am fortunate to be joined by three very experienced business minds who understand the financial markets and have significant experience to share. I’m confident attendees will not only come away with a better understanding of today’s economy, but will take home tangible ideas that will allow them to keep thousands of dollars in their practice beginning in 2008.”
The seminar, designed specifically for orthodontists and their business partners and/or wives, is designed to help attendees learn the following:
• Why this slowdown is caused by more than just a slow economy;
• how to respond and how to prevent a long-term crisis in your practice;
• what to look for and look out for in deciding on a business bank;
• how to prepare now for the cash crisis that will come;
• how to keep more of what you earn;
• why you should reconsider new technology; and
• how to compete against GPs offering orthodontics.
To register for this seminar, contact Acceptx at (866) 222-3789.