The American Dental Association (ADA)recently held a live Twitter chat focused on children’s oral health.The “Chat-n-Chomp” chat coincided with National Children’s Dental HealthMonth.
During the live chat, dentists from the ADA tweeted children’s oralhealth tips using the hashtag #CavityFighters on Sharecare’s newdedicated oral health Twitter handle @SCGetsMouthy.
Sharecare isan online resource that invites the public to submit health-relatedquestions that are answered by health professionals. The ADA teamed upwith Sharecare last year to provide oral health content to Sharecare’sWeb site, but the “Chat-n-Chomp” wass the ADA and Sharecare’s firstTwitter collaboration.
“This Twitter chat is an opportunity for us to make a ‘house call’ soto speak,” said Mary J. Hayes, DDS, ADA spokesperson on pediatricdentistry and a chat participant who practices in Chicago. “We want toclarify misconceptions and provide tips directly to parents andcaregivers on how to keep children’s teeth healthy for life.”
During the chat, dentists tweeted the ADA’s responses using the ADA’s Twitter account, @AmerDentalAssn. If you have a Twitter account, you can search for the tweets related to the#CavityFighters chat.