OrthoSyneticsTM, Metairie, La, has launched OSI Goes Green!, an effort to encourage energy conservation at its corporate headquarters and the more than 300 practices it serves nationwide. The foundation of the campaign is a new Web site, www.OSIGoGreen.com, that provides "green tips" to its employees while allowing them to submit ideas on how the company can improve its environmental stewardship.

The effort was spurred, in part, on the suggestion of one company employee who noticed the large quantities of Styrofoam cups being used in the lunchroom of the corporate headquarters. Thanks to this suggestion, the company has provided each employee with reusable, biodegradable cups made of renewable US Corn Plastic. While being environmentally sound, this new practice will also save the company money by cutting down on the company’s recurring costs for Styrofoam cups.

"This effort will allow us to help both the environment and our company’s bottom line by encouraging simple improvements that consume less energy and save us money," said Chris Roussos, president and CEO of OrthoSynetics. "We want to demonstrate that being ‘green’ is simple, it’s cost-effective, and it’s part of being a good corporate partner within the communities we serve."