The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), Annapolis, Md, will host its 2015 Boot Camp: Infection Control Basic Training in Atlanta, January 12 to 14, 2015. According to OSAP, the conference will feature educational courses covering all of the core infection prevention fundamentals for dental practitioners and offer a total of 24 continuing education (CE) hours.
This year’s conference will feature two special events highlighting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). On Monday evening Dr Harold Jaffe, a CDC scientist who participated in CDC’s early AIDS investigations, will host a screening and discussion of “And the Band Played On” – a television movie about the early days of the AIDS epidemic. Second, OSAP will offer a unique opportunity for attendees to tour the CDC David J. Senser Museum on Thursday morning following the conclusion of boot camp.
“The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is a dramatic reminder that healthcare workers face risks. OSAP is devoted to helping oral healthcare workers minimize disease transmission risks during every day practice and in emergency outbreaks,” said Therese Long, Executive Director of OSAP. “Our annual Infection Control Boot Camp provides the most comprehensive dental infection control education available in a 3-day workshop so that dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, and educators can master the material and put it into practice as soon as possible.”
At the conference, national and international experts on infection prevention and patient safety will present a curriculum focused on knowledge of disease transmission and principles of infection prevention and control in a variety of oral healthcare settings; relevant infection control laws, regulations, guidelines, and best practices; and principles of quality assurance in infection control practices.
Registration for the 2015 Boot Camp: Infection Control Basic Training is now open. Only 400 registrations are available. The deadline for reserving hotel rooms and registering for the conference is December 21, 2014.