Using smartphones and laptop webcams, teledentistry allows dental professionals to see vulnerable dental patients while eliminating risk of infection with an in-office visit.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been warning of the increased likelihood of person-to-person spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As measures to contain the disease and slow the spread become more disruptive to daily live, the American TeleDentistry Association (ATA) is recommending that dental practices use tele dentistry platforms to evaluate and care for patients.
“Now is the time for dental health professionals to join our medical colleagues and public health officials in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. With simple tools like smartphones and laptop webcams, dentists can see the most vulnerable dental patients safely in their homes thereby eliminating the risk of infection,” the association said in a press release.
The ATA’s recommendation comes as it asks for legislative action to reduce barriers to using teledentistry.
“The American Teledentistry Association’s mission has always been to expand access to dental care to those who need it the most, to drive down healthcare costs and make in-office appointments more efficient. We believe that it is dentistry’s ethical and professional obligation to make sure that in this time of great anxiety, the American populace can rest assured that America’s dental leadership is considering every means at its disposal to provide dental care to those in need without exposing them to unnecessary risks and expense,” the association added.