Category: Sponsored

Top 5 ways a cloud-based practice management platform makes the orthodontic team’s day easier

Managing a successful orthodontic practice takes not only a talented and dedicated staff, but also the right tools to allow the staff to perform at their best. The right practice management platform can improve the office workflow, benefitting staff and patients. Below are five ways cloud-based practice management software can make the orthodontic team’s day easier.

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Better together – MOTION 3D & SLX 3D with M-SERIES

Carriere®­ MOTION 3DTM Appliances correct A/P discrepancies and stimulate initial tooth movement. This fosters easier transitions into larger wires earlier in treatment using Carriere M-SERIESTM Wires, less time in braces, and shorter overall treatment times.

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Pressing the Boundaries of Aligners Expectations

Reveal Clear Aligners offer a new solution to provide reliable orthodontic treatment to patients that is both comfortable and aesthetic. With in-office implementation support and access to an array of unique marketing services, Reveal can help you compete against direct-to-consumer aligner companies and grow your practice.

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Take A Look At Key Features of Reveal Clear Aligners

Reveal Clear Aligners offer a new solution for general practitioners to provide reliable orthodontic treatment to their patients that is both comfortable and aesthetic. With in-office implementation support and access to an array of unique marketing services, Reveal can help dentists compete against direct-to-consumer aligner companies and grow their practices.

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