by Jacques Montague

Your Guide, Online

Welcome to the 2007 Buyer’s Guide. This year’s Company Index provides contact information for more than 350 companies serving the orthodontic industry, and the Product Index gives you a comprehensive look at those companies’ offerings in more than 150 categories—including two new categories, miniscrews and diode lasers, that we added by popular demand.

We’re especially excited to bring you this year’s Buyer’s Guide because it will be our first to appear simultaneously in print and online. What does this mean for you? It means that the magazine that you’re viewing online is the digital complement and enhancement of the print version.

This online version has all the same information as the print version, but it will also allow you to link directly to the Web site of any company in the Buyer’s Guide, making it as easy as possible for you to find, research, and buy the products you need to make your practice run more smoothly. We hope that the Buyer’s Guide is a resource that you will consult throughout the year. If you have an idea of how to make it better, we would love to hear from you.

Happy holidays, and as always, we wish you the best of luck with your practice in 2007.

Jacques Montague