Carestream Dental, Atlanta, has released CS OrthoTrac v14 software. According to the company, this latest version includes significant advances to its core practice management capabilities.
CS OrthoTrac v14 features a complete redesign of the treatment card that is intended to address increased patient numbers and treatment options available in a practice. The new treatment card includes a locked banner that displays essential patient information. A stand-alone light bar provides a real-time view of workflow performance outside the treatment card, as lights indicate “remaining time in chair,” “doctor is finished,” and “call other doctor.” In addition, a family member’s treatment card is accessible via the treatment card.
Meanwhile, an enhanced patient compliance section—which includes a real-time snapshot of the patient’s broken appointments, rescheduled appointments, damaged wires, and broken brackets—helps office staff identify issues that are impacting treatment length.
The redesigned CS OrthoTrac 14 also includes a new universal aligner tracking component. Orthodontists can create and track treatment progress through various stages with this feature. They can track how many aligners are given to a patient, and document the prescription instructions and duration regardless of manufacturer, brand, or if made in-house.
Carestream Dental offers customers two options for using CS OrthoTrac 14. Existing and new customers can immediately access CS OrthoTrac v14 through a traditional software license and maintenance program or take advantage of the CS OrthoTrac Cloud that provides a hosted subscription service that offers automatic software updates and redundant backups.