Ormco Corp, Orange, Calif, unveiled its new SmartArch Laser-Engineered Copper NiTi Archwire at the 2019 Ormco Forum in San Antonio, Tex. According to the company, SmartArch is engineered to support fewer wire changes and more efficient treatment, and minimize emergency wire adjustments.
SmartArch reportedly features a patented precision laser process that applies seven distinct force zones, and allows orthodontists to transition more efficiently and effectively to the finishing wire after two SmartArch wires. Increased posterior stiffness engages the molars with the initial archwire. This stiffness also is designed to reduce the likelihood of wire disengagement from buccal tubes.
According to the company, SmartArch is manufactured with a patented precision laser process that programs specific forces into each inter-bracket space; thus the SmartArch archwire’s biomechanical design can increase clinical precision for smoother and quicker finishing.