This past mother’s day, more than 100 Hu-Friedy employees, friends, family members, and Chicago dental professionals, including members of the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD) and the American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA), walked or ran in the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization™ Race to Empower, raising more than $20,000 in donations.
Hu-Friedy and the Y-ME formed a special bond in the fall of 2006 when Hu-Friedy created a periodontal promotion, “Inspired by You,” which was focused on women in the dental profession. A Y-ME scaler was created (featuring pink grips and the Y-Me ribbon) for the promotion, and a donation was made to the Y-Me organization with every offer redeemed.
For the Y-ME Race to Empower, Hu-Friedy pledged to raise $5,000 in donations, to be matched by the Saslow family for a total of $10,000. More than $20,000 in donations were raised through companywide activities such as a bake sale, raffles, and individual participants’ donation collection.
Hu-Friedy will continue to support the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization through the sales of its newly designed Y-ME instruments, now permanent fixtures in the Hu-Friedy catalog, as well as through annual participation in Y-ME fundraising events.
[Hu Friedy, May 13, 2007]