The International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR/AADR) have selected Jocelyne Feine, DDS, MS, HDR, FCAHS, as the inaugural editor of JDR Clinical & Translational Research. She begins her term immediately.
As previously announced, in 2016 the IADR/AADR will launch JDR Clinical & Translational Research, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original dental, oral, and craniofacial research at the interface between discovery science and clinical application. The new journal will emphasize translation of research into healthcare delivery systems at the individual patient, clinical practice, and community levels. JDR Clinical & Translational Research will provide authors and readers an additional outlet for clinical and translational research beyond the capacity of the clinical research reports that will continue in IADR/AADR’s flagship publication, Journal of Dental Research. In addition to the more common methodologies and study designs used in oral health research, JDR Clinical & Translational Research will offer opportunities for publication of reports on qualitative, mixed methods, health services, health technology assessment, and participatory research studies. The journal will focus on research topics that are relevant and applicable to the community (researchers, clinician scientists, patients, public health, and policymakers). To determine the most relevant topics for publication, feedback from the community will be facilitated and encouraged.
Feine is a professor at McGill University Faculty of Dentistry in Montréal. Her research has focused on the quality of life and patient-based outcomes most relevant for palliative therapeutic goals. She earned her Masters in physiology and her DDS at the University of Texas in Houston. She completed her Habilitation à deriger des recherches (HDR) degree in clinical research at the Université d’Auvergne, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Feine has served on the IADR/AADR JDR Editorial Board and has been an associate editor for JDR. She has also served on several IADR Committees, including the Distinguished Scientist Award Committee and the IADR/AADR Publications Committee. In 2006, she was awarded the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Research in Prosthodontics and Implants, and she is the 2013 recipient of the IADR Distinguished Service Award.
“Dr Feine was selected as JDR Clinical & Translational Research Editor from an overwhelming response of many qualified candidates responding to the open call,” said IADR President Dr Marc Heft. “She comes with an exceptional dental research background, and I look forward to her leadership in the launch of the new publication.”
AADR President Dr Paul Krebsbach added, “Dr Feine is a highly qualified, internationally recognized and respected scientist and academic leader. I am confident that with her skills, experience, and enthusiasm, JDR Clinical & Translational Research will be off to a terrific launch under her editorship.”