Komet USA, a worldwide producer of precision rotary instruments for the dental industry, has introduced its Q-Finishers to the US market. The instruments feature a cross-cut tooth design and are engineered to trim and finish composite materials in fewer steps.
Work on composite fillings typically involves three finishing steps, with normal, fine, and extra-fine finishing instruments. Komet has reduced this process to just two steps, using the Q-Finisher for the first step and the Ultra-fine finishing instrument for the second step.
According to the company, research has found that using the Q-Finisher for the first finishing step, a better surface quality was achieved. In addition, the smooth, noncutting tip of the Q-Finisher ensured a gentle finish without any damage to the gingiva.
For more information, visit www.komet-usa.com.
[Komet USA, February 5, 2007]