Pulpdent Corp has released the 60th anniversary issue of its catalog. In addition to providing information on the full line of Pulpdent products, the catalog includes case histories, procedural information, and educational resources.
Included in the catalog is a case study. The case, “Jason’s Tooth,” features a child who has a replanted immature tooth complicated by a delay in endodontic treatment and a fistulous tract, followed by root canal therapy, a second traumatic injury to the same tooth, orthodontic treatment, and nonvital bleaching of the replanted tooth for aesthetic purposes. All of this takes place over 6½ years, and against all odds, Jason keeps all of his own teeth and obtains a beautiful smile. The case study includes six radiographs and two photos. It outlines the treatment objectives and documents the procedures that were used to control the abscess, prevent traumatic or idiopathic rejection, stimulate apexification and apexogenesis, and save that tooth until Jason becomes a young adult, at which time it is more favorable to consider another treatment plan, such as an implant or bridge, if it should become necessary.
The full-color, 56-page catalog, which is designed like a magazine, also includes step-by-step procedure guides that support the product information. The catalog is free.
For more information, visit www.pulpdent.com.
[Pulpdent Corp, October 12, 2007]