TP Orthodontics Inc
TP Orthodontics Inc, La Porte, Ind, offers aesthetic wire. A very thin, white-colored coating is applied only to the labial surface of the wire, leaving the remaining three critical wire dimensions unchanged. Because only the labial surface is coated, the wire is able to slide freely along all contact points in the bracket’s archwire slot, resulting in no additional friction. A variety of sizes are available in Shiny Bright Stainless Steel or Reflex® Nickel Titanium for aesthetic treatment from beginning to end. The wires can be used with InVu® Aesthetic Brackets with Readi-Base® Pre-Applied Adhesive.
TP Orthodontics Inc
(800) 348-8856
G&H Wire Co
G&H Wire Co, Franklin, Ind, offers G&H® G4™ NiTi Archwires, which, according to the company, provide low initial load forces and increased residual forces as full shape recovery progresses. G4™ Nickel Titanium archwires offer consistent forces in every wire and are available in all archform shapes. G&H prides itself in research and development in key areas including materials science, precision manufacturing processes, and scientific testing protocols.
G&H Wire Co
(800) 526-1026
Ormco Corp
Ormco Corp, Orange, Calif, offers Copper Ni-Ti Wires. According to the company, the addition of copper in Ormco’s patented Copper Ni-Ti wire enhances the thermal-reactive properties of nickel titanium to deliver optimal forces and tooth-movement efficiency. Unloading (springback) properties facilitate efficient tooth movement, while a unique unloading profile provides continuous forces, even at very small deflections. The wires are easy to engage even when bracket height discrepancies are significant. Copper Ni-Ti wires are available in a variety of archforms, including Damonâ„¢ Copper Ni-Ti wires that feature preloaded stops.
Ormco Corp
(800) 854-1741
Ortho-Byte, Wilmington, Del, offers SapphireT ultraelastic archwires, which are resilient and superelastic, and have an ultrasmooth, sonic blue surface that is an integral part of the wire. Due to reduced friction, SapphireT archwires provide an advantage in sliding mechanics, making them useful archwires not just for leveling and aligning teeth but across all stages of orthodontic treatment. Integral dimples positioned between the centrals are designed to aid accurate placement during ligation and help to prevent rotation out of buccal tubes. SapphireT wires are now available in sizes recommended for self-ligating systems.
(302) 798-1234
Gold’n Braces Inc
Gold’n Braces Inc, Palm Harbor, Fla, offers 24K gold-plated, 14-inch straight-length round wires in sizes .026 through .040. These sizes enable a full range of uses from standard retainers through functional appliances. The .0215 ZMRW penta wire (pictured) is used extensively as a lingual bondable retainer.
Gold’n Braces Inc
(800) 785-1970
Highland Metals
Highland Metals Inc, San Jose, Calif, introduces its Lingual Arches, which are available in stainless steel, superelastic NiTi, heat-activated NiTi, and BetaBlueâ„¢ wire alloys in a variety of sizes. The arches are sold in packs of 10. The Stainless Steel Lingual Arches are offered in universal archform, which gives orthodontists the freedom to create their own offsets.
Highland Metals Inc
(800) 368-6484
Modern Arch
Modern Arch, Wyomissing, Pa, offers its Bowed NiTi Retraction Arches. According to the company, the bowed arch has the capacity to induce a retractive force to the anterior components of either arch. The upward pressure of the bowed arch in an upper buccal tube induces a force vector distally along the bowed arch, causing the arch to creep backward out of the buccal tube and induce a slight retractive force upon the anterior teeth. This light force is capable of bringing about substantial retraction and bite opening over a period of time. This action may be augmented by the addition of very light elastics (1 to 1.5 ounces) placed from the supplied posts backward in an intramaxillary fashion for half the day and an intermaxillary hook-up for half the day. This light force will not unduly stress the posterior elements but will enhance the upper anterior retraction.
Modern Arch
(866) 663-2724
Ortho Technology
Ortho Technology, Tampa, Fla, offers TRIFECTAâ„¢ Thermal Nickel Titanium Archwires, which feature three separate force levels on one wire: gentle forces in the anterior region, moderate forces in the bicuspid region, and heavy forces in the molar region. This system is designed so that the orthodontist will require fewer archwire changes. TRIFECTA archwires are available in Full Form shape in round and rectangle archwire types. They also feature wire shape integrity, high polish, and etched centerlines to help in placement.
Ortho Technology Inc
(800) 999-3161
3M Unitek
3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif, offers Unitekâ„¢ Nitinol Classic Archwires. According to the company, the wires provide the linear elasticity and bendability of high-strength steel and the elastic working range and lighter forces of nickel titanium. Unitek Nitinol Classic Archwires are available in a wide variety of sizes and Orthoformsâ„¢, including a Dimpled option. They are sold 10 per unit-of-use pack.
3M Unitek
(800) 423-4588
American Orthodontics
American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, introduces Therma-Ti heat-activated wire. Available in three different archforms—Natural Arch; International Arch; and the new VLP Coordinated Form, which provides a slightly wider form in the posterior, making it ideal for passive self-ligation—Therma-Ti is engineered to be used early in treatment. Its enhanced alloy characteristics produce a wire with light, continuous, and resilient unloading forces. According to the company, Therma-Ti has a small transition range from dead-soft to active, as well as low friction mechanics. It is available either individually wrapped or bulk packaged in boxes of 10 wires.
American Orthodontics
(800) 558-7687
Great Lakes Orthodontics, Inc
Great Lakes Orthodontics Inc, Tonawanda, NY, offers Duraloy chrome-cobalt wire, which functions as a resilient spring wire without distortion or fatigue, can be soldered without annealing, can be heat-treated to enhance physical properties, and is nonmagnetic through all temperature ranges. Duraloy wire reacts similarly to stainless steel during the soldering process, but this chromium-cobalt wire hardens when heated, making it twice as break-resistant as stainless steel. Two tempers are available: Blue Duraloy, initially the softer of the two tempers, can be welded with low heat and soldered without embrittling. Yellow Duraloy, initially flexible and slightly harder than Blue, can be heat-treated if greater resiliency or spring performance is required.
Great Lakes Orthodontics
(800) 828-7626
Ortho Organizers
Ortho Organizers, Carlsbad, Calif, offers Bio-Kinetixâ„¢ Plusâ„¢ Thermally Activated Nitanium® Archwires, which are designed for use in early- to midstage treatment with moderate to severe crowding. The wires engage at a low temperature then react to the heat in a patient’s mouth and exert a light, continuous force as they return to their original shape. The wires are made from an advanced nickel titanium alloy; have a temperature transition range of 18.3°C to 23.9°C; utilize shape memory and superelastic properties to move teeth; are easy to ligate at room temperature; are responsive to chilling before ligation; and are available in Pro Formâ„¢, Oval Arch Form III, and D-LXâ„¢ arch shapes.
Ortho Organizers
(888) 851-0533
Forestadent USA
Forestadent USA, St Louis, offers the BioFinisher® rectangular archwire, which is designed to upright teeth that are retruded due to insufficient or incorrect torque or too frequent use of elastic chains while space closing. Used as the final archwire, the virtually slot-filling BioFinisher is dimensioned correctly to transfer the prescription of each bracket almost fully. Due to its special plasma treatment, the BioFinisher features a smooth surface designed to reduce friction between the archwire and the bracket up to 30%. According to the company, the martensitic properties of this thermo-sensitive archwire provide a low, yet adequate, level of force.
Forestadent USA
(800) 721-4940