The ADA Foundation Board of Directors recently elected William R. Calnon, DDS, as president, and also elected several new and continuing members to its Board of Directors.
Calnon, who practices general dentistry in Rochester, NY, has served as a member of the ADA Foundation’s Board of Directors since 2013, most recently as vice president of scientific research. He was the 2011-2012 president of the ADA after serving a 4-year term on the ADA Board as the trustee from the Second District, which represents New York. Calnon will follow the 2-year term of Reneida E. Reyes, DDS, MPH, PC, a pediatric dentist in Brooklyn, NY.
Meanwhile, newly elected ADA Foundation Board members include: Ann Bruck, RDH, US Industry Relations and Professional Services Manager, 3M Oral Care, St Paul, Minn; Howard I.A. Lieb, DMD, Staten Island, NY; and Mary J. Hayes, DDS, MS, Chicago, Ill, elected to complete the 1-year unexpired term of Calnon.
Directors chosen for renewed terms are: Maritza Morell, DMD, MPH, MS, Andover, Mass, elected to a full 4-year term after having completed Reyes’ remaining term when she was elected ADAF President in 2014; and Michele Penrose, Director of Global Professional Relations, Henry Schein Inc, Melville, NY, elected to a second 4-year term;
Directors newly elected to the ADAF Executive Committee from among the ADAF Board of Directors Members at Large are: Vice President of Scientific Research, Gary Jeffers, DMD, MS; and Vice President of Finance, Roger L. Kiesling, DDS. They join current Executive Committee members Edward Green, DMD, Vice President of Grants, and Frank Maggio, DDS, Vice President of Development, who will continue their service on the ADAF Executive Committee.